Media Room

新萄京娱乐 media releases, reports, submissions and speeches. Sign up below to receive our media releases and public statements.

Budget investment in arts training and education must result in quality jobs

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance welcomes the federal government’s continued efforts in the 2023-24 Budget to revive Australia’s long-neglected arts, cultural and media sectors ...

McBride jailing reinforces need for whistleblower reforms

The jail sentence of almost six years handed down to whistleblower David McBride today represents a shameful day for the public’s right to know and shows the need for urgent reforms to protect whistleblowers from prosecution ...

There’s no industry without musicians

In this submission to a Parliamentary inquiry into challenges and opportunities for the Australian live music industry, 新萄京娱乐 says that rather than continue to underwrite commercial festival operators, governments must focus on ensuring the viability of music as a career as the foundation on which a healthy and successful live ...

Time for cultural workers to be recognised and valued

A major national survey of arts workers highlights the precariousness of income in the sector and the need for the economy and community to place a higher value on the work of creative professionals ...

World Press Freedom Day 2024: another year wasted

Another World Press Freedom Day has arrived without any significant reforms by any level of government to improve press freedom in Australia ...

新萄京娱乐 submission to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee – Location Offset

MediaRoom, Submissions
This is 新萄京娱乐’s submission on Schedule 6 of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Delivering Better Financial Outcomes and Other Measures) Bill 2024, which deals primarily with the long-anticipated increase to the location offset, which attracts large-scale international productions to shoot in Australia and includes provisions to ensure long-term benefits to the Australian ...

Statement on the State Library of Victoria

新萄京娱乐 is concerned to hear of the State Library of Victoria’s decision to cancel its “2024 Teen Writing Bootcamp” and its subsequent justifications for the cancellation ...

Five years is too long: Albanese government must call on the US to drop Assange charges

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance has written to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Foreign Minister Penny Wong urging them to publicly call upon the US government drop its charges against Julian Assange ...
All 新萄京娱乐 sections - Mark Phillips
Director Communications
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新萄京娱乐 Equity section - Lizzie Franks
Communications Manager
新萄京娱乐 Equity section
02 9333 0961